New online services now available for Concealed Handgun Permits:
CHP Initial Applications:
Current permit holders wishing to renew a permit to carry a concealed handgun may do so anytime within four (4) months prior to the expiration of their current permit or within 30 business days after the expiration of their permit. After the thirty business days have passed, the permit holder will need to start the process over as if requesting an initial permit. This includes taking the training course again, providing all the necessary documentation, and paying the $100 initial permit fee.
CHP Renewal Applications:
Current permit holders wishing to renew a permit to carry a concealed handgun may do so anytime within four (4) months prior to the expiration of their current permit. A permit may be renewed no later than thirty business days after the date of expiration of the permit. After the thirty business days have passed, the permit holder will need to start the process over as if requesting an initial permit. This includes taking the training course again, providing all the necessary documentation, and paying the $100 initial permit fee.
Update Name or Address on CHP:
No appointment is necessary for a personal data change. Send the following information via email to, by mail to the Criminal Identification Division in Lincoln, or deliver the application to any NSP Troop Area office.
Documentation need for Concealed Firearm Instructor:
Per Title 272, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapter 21, you must appear in person when applying for an initial or renewal instructor certification. The following information is required:
CHP and Instructor applicants must present a completed application form and necessary documentation in person. An appointment is required. A list of locations and times can be found on the Concealed Handgun Information page of the NSP website.