Driver Licensing

From 1 June 2018, RTA has overall responsibility for driver licensing and all fees and charges for driver licensing belong to, and must be remitted to, the RTA. Section 16A of the Motor Traffic Act 1950 will no longer apply.

Driver licensing is provided under-
prior to 1 June 2018, Part II of the Motor Traffic Regulation 1967,
from 1 June 2018, the Road Traffic Rules – Licensing of Drivers 2017.

The information on this page is a summary of the provisions as they relate to a person applying for a learner’s permit or driver’s licence. See the Rule for all provisions relating to driver licensing. Download Rule

The RTA is not yet involved with service delivery of driver licensing. This service delivery is being carried out by Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited (MVIL) and some Provincial Governments. Applicants for driver licensing should contact these service delivery agents.

The MVIL website is HERE

Application for a learner’s permit

A person may apply for a learner’s permit using this form [Downloadable Form 1].

An application for a learner’s permit must be accompanied by-

  1. he applicant’s birth certificate or in the absence of the birth certificate, proof of the applicant’s identity and age in a form satisfactory to the RTA; and
  2. the fee prescribed in-

The minimum age for a person applying for a learner’s permit is-

  1. prior to 1 June 2018
    1. 16 years and nine months of age, unless approved otherwise by the RTA in special circumstances, to learn to drive a motor vehicle other than –
      1. a motor vehicle weighing more than 2 tonne; or
      2. a motor car equipped to seat more than eight adult persons (including the driver).
      1. a licence; or
      2. a provisional licence; or
      1. 18 years of age to learn to drive a Class 1 motor vehicle or a Class 5 motor vehicle, as defined in Schedule 1 of the Road Traffic Rules: Registration of Motor Vehicles 2017.
      2. any age to learn to drive a motor vehicle of a class other than Class 1 and Class 5, provided the applicant holds or has held, at least one of the following kinds of licence for a continuous period of at least 12 months-
        1. a full driver’s licence for a Class 1 motor vehicle; or
        2. a foreign driver’s license equivalent to a Class 1 drivers licence, being a licence that has not been cancelled by the RTA or a foreign equivalent authority.

        The RTA may, by written notice, require an applicant for a learner’s permit to attend at the office of the Authority on a date specified in the notice.

        The RTA may require an applicant for a learner’s permit to-

        1. pass a theoretical or knowledge-based test; and
        2. pass an eyesight test and medical examination.

        A learner’s permit may contain conditions, as the RTA thinks fit, in relation to-

        1. the type of motor vehicle that may be driven; or
        2. the speed at which a motor vehicle may be driven; or
        3. the hours during which, or the locality within which, a motor vehicle may be driven; or
        4. use of a logbook to record driving experience.

        A learner’s permit is valid for up to three months (12 months from 1 June 2018) as endorsed on the permit.

        Application for a provisional driver’s licence

        A person may apply for the issue or renewal of a provisional driver’s licence using this form [Downloadable Form 2].

        An application for a provisional driver’s licence must be accompanied by-

        1. any logbook that has been required by the RTA; and
        2. supporting written evidence that the applicant has passed any practical driving test required by the RTA for the class or classes of licence applied for; and
        3. the fee prescribed in-
          • prior to 1 June 2018, Schedule 10 [Item 4] of the Motor Traffic Regulation 1967
          • from 1 June 2018, Schedule 1 [Item 2] of the Road Traffic (Fees and Charges) Regulation 2017,

        An applicant for a provisional driver’s licence must have-

        1. held a learner’s permit for the class or classes of motor vehicle for which the person is applying for a provisional driver’s licence, for a period of at least 3 months; and
        2. passed the practical driving test required by the RTA for the class or classes of motor vehicle for which the person seeks a provisional driver’s licence; and
        3. passed the eyesight test required by the RTA.

        The RTA may, by written notice, require an applicant for a provisional driver’s licence to attend at the office of the Authority on a date specified in the notice.

        A provisional driver’s license is valid for 12 months, unless sooner cancelled or suspended.

        A provisional driver’s license may be renewed for a further 12 months.

        Application for a full driver’s licence

        A person may apply for the issue or renewal of a full driver’s licence using this form [Downloadable Form 2].

        An application for a full driver’s licence must be accompanied by the fee prescribed in-

        • prior to 1 June 2018, Schedule 10 [Item 2] of the Motor Traffic Regulation 1967,
        • from 1 June 2018, Schedule 1 [Item 3] of the Road Traffic (Fees and Charges) Regulation 2017,

        An applicant for a full driver’s licence must have-

        1. passed an eyesight test if required by the RTA; and
        2. previously held, for the last 12 months-
          1. a provisional driver’s licence for the class or classes applied for; or
          2. a foreign driver’s licence equivalent to the class or classes of licence applied for.

          The renewal of a full driver’s licence takes effect on the day immediately following the day on which the licence, or the previous renewal of the licence, as the case may be, expired.

          A full drivers licence may be issued for a period of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years, and is valid for that period unless sooner cancelled or suspended.

          Foreign driver’s licence

          A current foreign driver’s licence is deemed to be equivalent to, and is accepted in place of, a PNG driver’s licence authorizing the holder to drive in PNG any vehicle of the type or class to which the foreign licence applies.

          A foreign driver’s licence applies-

          1. subject to any conditions to which it was granted; and
          2. for a period of 6 months from the date the holder entered PNG.

          This provision applies only-

          1. if the holder of the foreign driving licence-
            1. usually resides in a country other than PNG; and
            2. has not been issued with a notice by RTA cancelling acceptance of the foreign driver’s licence; and
            3. is not otherwise disqualified from obtaining or holding a driver’s licence in PNG.