Fee Waivers

Video: What is the California College Promise or BOG Fee Waiver?

California College Promise Grant
(Board of Governors Fee Waiver)

The "California College Promise Grant" is the new name for what used to be called the Board of Governors (or BOG) Fee Waiver. This program waives enrollment fees for eligible community college students. But you must show academic progress to maintain your eligibility (see below).

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) fee waiver only covers your enrollment fees. (The De Anza College Promise is a separate program with additional benefits, although in some cases the two programs may overlap.) There are other campus resources to help with the purchase of books and supplies; these may require a separate application.

Requirements to Qualify

You may be eligible for this program if you are a California resident or an undocumented student who is exempt from nonresident fees under AB540, and if one of the following is true