What are the terms of a contract? Generally, they protect all parties’ interests by detailing all deadlines and compensation. These details include a variety of terms that specifically lay out payment terms, amount of money, and other rights of one or both parties. Some terms are fairly standard, or boilerplate, but others are specific to the particular parties and/or contract.
The necessary elements of a valid contract are:
Not all of the following provisions will be included in every contract, as all contracts are different, but most contracts commonly use these provisions:
In determining the terms of the contract, a court must establish what the parties intended. This is usually evidenced by what the parties wrote or said. Statements made during the course of negotiations can be determined as terms, but they may be determined as representations if they are found to be a statement of fact made by one party which induces the other to enter into the contract. A plaintiff's remedy depends on whether the statement is classified as a representation or a term.
Breach of a term entitles the non-breaching party to damages as well as denial of the contract if the breach was severe enough to substantially deprive the non-breaching party of the benefit of the bargain under the contract.
However, even if a statement is not classified as a term of the contract, it is possible that it may be enforced as a collateral contract.
Courts will consider the following factors in determining whether a statement is a term or a representation:
There are many more in addition to this short list.
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