Opponents of a controversial cruise ship terminal being built on the Gold Coast are concerned the proposal may be revisited when the cruise industry recommences.
The federal government banned foreign-flagged cruise ships in March 2020 as it grappled with the early stages of the pandemic.
The initial ban was extended until December 17, but the government said this did not mean it would be lifted on that date.
With the cruise ship industry on hiatus for more than 18 months, the Gold Coast City Council and Mayor Tom Tate, a supporter of a cruise ship terminal (CST), put the proposed project on hold.
Now, Save Our Broadwater vice-president Judy Spence says she is concerned the idea will be refloated.
"I guess it's never going to go away," she said.
"The idea of a cruise ship terminal on the Gold Coast has been around for more than a decade.
"Various options have been looked at and none of them have proved particularly successful."
Locations for a CST have previously been identified at Wave Break Island on the Broadwater, and inside the Gold Coast Seaway. The latest proposal is for an off-shore terminal.
"A lot of work has been done . and a lot of money has been spent on that. I think council spent more than $12 million," Ms Spence said.
"At the end of the day it simply doesn't stack up.
"I'm hoping it won't come back on the table."
Australian National University (ANU) emeritus professor Kathryn Robinson believes the Gold Coast is a good choice for a terminal because of its location.
"I think it would probably be very attractive," she said.
"The thing about these cruise ships is they're totally dependant on aircraft to get passengers to places where they can put them on en masse.
"You could very easily get the passengers off the ship and into buses, which is the classic model, and take them off to all of those gorgeous places in the hinterland or down to the beach."
Professor Robinson said that although the industry has suffered through the pandemic, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
"There is a great determination by the global cruise industry to get back up and running," she said.
"They berate Australia for being one of the last places to get cruises up and running again."
Dr Robinson said cruise ship operators believe they have adequately responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by imposing conditions on staff and passengers.
"A lot of the ships are booking about one third of the passengers they would normally take.
"Since June and July there have been cruises operating in the United States and in Europe."
The ANU academic said there are strong bookings into 2022, as operators offer deals to get passengers back on board.
"People who like cruises really like cruises and they can't wait to get back on," she said.
"There's a huge diversity in the cruise industry and different kinds of cruises appeal to different sorts of people."
Save Our Broadwater's Judy Spence said she wouldn't be surprised if the Gold Coast Mayor revisited the CST proposal.
"You'd really hope that other great alternatives for tourism come to mind in the future rather than cruise ship terminals."
A spokesperson from Mr Tate's office said the CST project has been put "on hold", given what happened to the world cruise market during the COVID pandemic.
The council is prioritising other tourism strategies, the spokesperson said, such as a hinterland cableway, off-shore diving sites and a proposed 8,000-seat music and events arena.
Posted Mon 25 Oct 2021 at 8:03pm Monday 25 Oct 2021 at 8:03pm Mon 25 Oct 2021 at 8:03pm