Future-Self Journaling: A Powerful Tool For Short-term Visioning

Future-Self Journaling: A Powerful Tool For Short-term Visioning

Have you ever heard of future-self journaling? It's a simple yet powerful tool that became popular during the pandemic. Here we explain what future-self journaling is, how it works, and what the intended outcomes are. We will also introduce you to Nicole LaPera, a renowned psychologist and expert in this field.

What is Future-self journaling?

Future-self journaling is a form of journaling that involves writing about your future self in the present tense. The idea is to visualize the life you want to create and to write about it as if it has already happened. This technique has been proven to remove mental resistance and make intended outcomes more likely, because you can convince your mind that you can make it happen.

How is it different from Daily Visioning?

Future-self journaling is very similar to Daily Visioning in the sense that every day, you have a chance to start small and influence the ending of your day. With Daily Visioning, there’s less structure than Future-self journaling.

Daily Visioning is as easy as saying, “I am laying in bed and I feel a little bit better than when I woke up.”

That seems much more manageable than, “today I will not be emotionally reactive to anyone.”

Daily Visioning is less prescriptive. It’s a great place to start if you don’t like journaling, or if you are struggling to get up and set aside that much time. Start small.

How does Future-self journaling work?

Future-self journaling works by tapping into the power of the subconscious mind. When you write about your future self in the present tense, you send a message to your subconscious that these things are already true. This helps to reprogram your beliefs and thoughts, making it easier for you to take action. That’s why the key is to do it for 30 days, so you can cement the habit.

The act of writing also help clarify what you’re thinking because you are able to process thoughts as you write. By putting them down on paper, you can gain a clearer understanding of what works for you and what doesn’t.

Intended outcomes

The idea behind Future-self journaling is to start small on one small thing to change, so that it’s manageable and will grow over time:

Future-self journaling template

  1. Set aside time each day to journal. It can be as little as 5 minutes or as long as an hour, depending on your schedule and preferences.
  2. Find a quiet, comfortable place to write where you won't be interrupted.
  3. Start by writing about your upcoming day in the present tense. The Future Self Journal template uses these prompts:
    1. “Today I am practicing…” (1 small thing you want to improve, eg “being reactive instead of responsive”)
    2. “I am grateful for…”
    3. “Today, I am…” (new thought or affirmation, eg “able to give myself the space and time to pause and reflect before responding.”)
    4. “Change in this area allows me to feel…” (new feeling)
    5. “Today I am practicing when…” (new behavior)
    1. Why is this so key? LaPera says it’s because building the habit is what creates momentum in your mind and following through on your commitments. This makes evolving, easier.

    Who is Nicole LaPera?

    Nicole LaPera, also known as The Holistic Psychologist, is a licensed psychologist who has gained worldwide recognition for her innovative approach to mental health. She is a social media star who gained a lot of followers during the pandemic, primarily on Instagram, before moving to Los Angeles to expand her practice and her media. She’s also now an author and speaker who focuses on teaching people how to heal themselves by addressing the root cause of their issues.

    Nicole's approach to therapy is unique in that it emphasizes the mind-body connection and encourages people to take an active role in their own healing process. She believes that by understanding the underlying emotional and psychological patterns that keep us stuck, we can break free and create the life we truly want.